About me
Hey there, I’m Clinton. I am an Australian mathematician and programmer living in London1 with my wife and two children. You can visit my now page to see what I’m up to and what’s on my mind at the moment — I try to keep it up to date.
I like hacking away at interesting problems in lots of different areas: mathematics, statistics, software and systems engineering, data and data science, elections and electoral systems, and many others. I am a keen writer and an amateur musician and photographer — all the photographs across this website were taken by me.
Work and skills
I graduated from the University of Sydney in 2011 with a First Class Honours degree in Pure Mathematics, and then in 2015 with a PhD in Mathematics.
In 2015 I moved from Sydney to Tel Aviv and worked there for eight years at various startups, ending up at Via. In 2023 I relocated with Via to London with my family.
After my move to working in technology, I initially worked mostly as a data scientist, but in my decade of experience I have become more and more of an all-rounder, incorporating software engineering, algorithm development and a lot of other tools into my toolkit. If you’re interested in more details, you can find my resume here.
This site
This site hosts my blog, where I write about all sorts of things I am interested in, as well as a list of personal projects I have invested my time in (some more polished/finished than others). If you’d like to know more about the tools I use to get things done, you can find my answers to the usesthis questionnaire here. You can also explore my digital garden.
Contact me
You can send me an email at me
at this domain, or find me on LinkedIn or GitHub.
This site is served off Vercel, using Hugo with the Liftoff theme by Will Holmes with some customisations.
Formerly Tel Aviv (2015-23), and before that, Sydney. ↩︎