On this page I keep a portfolio of various things I have built over the years. Some of them are more finished than others.
Hugo migration
Adventures upgrading my personal website with Hugo.
Israeli electorates
Designing a map of electorates for Israeli elections.
A landing page for my wife, who is a psychotherapist.
A command line tool for simulating and analysing election data.
A cricket simulator with an ASCII interface written in Rust.
Australian elections under PR
Fifty years of Australian elections in an alternative electoral reality
Mt. Solitary
My "digital garden" for notes, references and thoughts.
Simulating different 2019 UK election results under an AV system
Emma Chisit
A model for predicting Australian federal elections.
A script for scraping and joining Google trends searches
My PhD
I completed a PhD in Pure Mathematics in 2014.
The first version of my personal website, launched in 2014.